Kanuchi: Futatsu no Tsubasa – An introduction

Kanuchi: Futatsu no Tsubasa (Kanuchi: Two Wings) is a fantasy blacksmithing otome game developed by Vingt-et-un Systems and published by Idea Factory under their Otomate label. The ‘kanuchi’ part of the title is an in-game title for the king’s exclusive blacksmith. The ‘two wings’, I suppose, refer to the fact that our heroine Aki has […]

Kamiyo Gakuen: Makouroku Kurunugia – A terrible rip-off of a terrible rip-off

Not content with merely dreaming up bad ideas, Idea Factory now resorts to stealing them. Far from being shocked or upset, I’m rather pleased to see this side of Idea Factory. Up till now I’d heard the tales of their horribleness, but I’d never personally experienced it for myself. The games I played were either […]

Give me another day or two

I’m playing a very… uh… nice… uh, I don’t know how to describe it… “game” from Idea Factory, everyone’s favorite game developer. I thought I’d be done by now, but I keep falling asleep when I try to play it. I was going to write about it now, but it’s not really the sort of […]

Ore ga Omae wo Mamoru – Metroidvania for girls

The first release in Idea Factory’s now abandoned Otomate Forte series of games. The idea was to produce regular games with a ‘girl-friendly’ coating to make them more appealing to female gamers. The second game was Date ni Gametsui wake ja nai, which was a remake of Master of the Monster Lair with added bishies. […]

Date ni Gametsui wake ja ne! Dungeon Maker Girl’s Type review

“Date ni Gametsui wake ja ne” roughly translated means “I’m not greedy for nothing!” The Japan-only “girls’” version of Master of the Monster Lair/Dungeon Maker. If you are thinking of trying this game there are three things you need to know. 1. It has the exact same gameplay, monsters, items and quests as MoML but […]