Thoughts on the “10th Anniversary” of My RPG Blog

My RPG Blog 10th anniversary

Psst, did you know that November 1st, 2020 was the official 10th anniversary of My RPG Blog? Neither did I, which is why I’m posting this on November 9th. TBH I don’t acknowledge Nov. 1st 2010 as the start of this blog, because it actually started about a year and a half earlier. The Nov. […]

Ore ga Omae wo Mamoru – Metroidvania for girls

The first release in Idea Factory’s now abandoned Otomate Forte series of games. The idea was to produce regular games with a ‘girl-friendly’ coating to make them more appealing to female gamers. The second game was Date ni Gametsui wake ja nai, which was a remake of Master of the Monster Lair with added bishies. […]