JRPGs that still need localization in 2020

After writing my “10th Anniversary” post, I scrolled through my list of posts and noticed a couple of Japanese games I really enjoyed but that still aren’t available in English (AFAIK). With the advent of Kickstarter and Steam and other similar platforms, I thought for sure that more old games would have been licensed and […]

Thoughts on the “10th Anniversary” of My RPG Blog

My RPG Blog 10th anniversary

Psst, did you know that November 1st, 2020 was the official 10th anniversary of My RPG Blog? Neither did I, which is why I’m posting this on November 9th. TBH I don’t acknowledge Nov. 1st 2010 as the start of this blog, because it actually started about a year and a half earlier. The Nov. […]

Finally finished Tokyo Majin Kenpuuchou. I’m not even happy.

Blaaah… I don’t care any more… The final boss was a bit tricky though, level 60 when my party ranged from 52 to 66. I was a bit overpowered, but better too strong than too weak, I guess. It’s good I spent time in the bonus dungeon because it’s easy to save in such a […]

Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuuchou – Great stuff!

If I had known it was an SRPG all along I would have played Tokyo Majin much sooner. The only game in the series I’d played was Tokyo Mono Hara Shi, which was a boring visual novel with passable dungeon crawling thrown in, so I wasn’t expecting much when I started the original Tokyo Majin […]