Hero’s Saga Laevatein Tactics (1)

I’m at it again. SRPG No. 2893. I don’t know what it is about me and SRPGs, but no matter how badly they treat me I keep coming back for more.

I’m supposed to be finishing up WiZman’s World right about now so I can put 2011’s games behind me. Unfortunately I came down with a case of Last Dungeon Syndrome and can’t bring myself to continue, which is where this new game comes in.

Hero’s Saga Laevatein Tactics is as generic as generic SRPGS come. The main character is a prince of a small country threatened by an empire, he wields a sword, there are mysterious legendary weapons, the Empire has super-powerful (in name only) generals, you recruit NPCs as you go, storyline characters join you from time to time, etc etc.

The story: some undead attack the hero’s friend. Some mysterious girl gives him a sword that can beat them. The evil Empire wants the sword. The hero decides that not only is he not going to hand it over, but he’s also going slash and burn his way to the Empire’s capital and give them what’s for. Bloodthirsty little bugger. And that’s how far I’ve gotten.

The only thing slightly unusual about the story is that it seems to be based on real-life Spain (Valencia) and France (Galia). This leads to the heroes and villains throwing gratuitous French and Spanish around like a lost episode of ‘Allo ‘Allo: hermano, señor, merde (my understanding is that ‘merde’ is considered extremely rude in French, but luckily no one at the ESRB can speak French), diable, that sort of thing. Right now it’s all Valencia vs. Galia, but the threat of the undead hasn’t been addressed yet, so I’m sure they’ll band together to take down the real bad guys before too long.

Gameplay-wise, while you can see your characters as individuals on the map, once you get into battle every “hero” has troops under them that help with attacking and defending. Archaic Sealed Heat tried to implement a similar thing, but the game itself was such a cluster**** that I never got deep into the system.

There’s the normal Attack and Defend, then there’s Charge, a high-powered low accuracy volley, and Phalanx, which is a low-powered attack that never misses and raises accuracy. Some troops may also have the Defend and Evade command, depending on their classes. I’m still exploring the advantages and disadvantages of each class. Magic-users are the strongest so far, but very frail. Melee units are meh. Archers are the worst ever. This is the first tactics game I’ve ever played where the archer class was the most useless, so that’s new. Changing class is as simple as changing weapons, so I’ll keep experimenting for a while.

Hero’s Saga also has bases scattered over the map that you can take control of. It’s a bit like in Advance Wars, but without that charming little ‘boing-boing’ thing they do. Standing on top of one of these refills your life and adds troops if you’re missing any. Characters in range also gain a boost to their Morale, which (allegedly) improves their accuracy.

As of 9:38h in, there are four main things that are bothering me about this game.

1. The enemies are way too passive. Most of them won’t move unless you come into range, and sometimes not even then.

2. 99% of all stages have the same “Eradicate enemy or take over castle” goal as their victory condition. Taking over the castle is almost impossible without first eradicating the enemy anyway.

3. You can only take 6 allies max into battle. I’ve got so many good characters and interesting weapons I want to try out but the game won’t give me the chance.

4. Valhalla Gauge attacks (this game’s equivalent of limit breaks) are too broken. One hit will wipe out most parties or leave them barely alive. It’s painful when they do it to you and dull when you do it to them.

On the plus side:

1. All NPCs have their own little bios, a nice touch.

2. Battles don’t take too long. Maps aren’t that big and don’t take that long to cross

3. Characters have skills and innate talents that range from moderately useful to WTF BROKEN. Makes a lot of difference when putting together a party.

4. Not too much blathering about morality. As far as I can tell both sides are wrong and Might makes Right. I hope it stays that way.

5. I appreciate attempts to shake up the same old SRPG formula. Something tells me I’m going to tire of watching the animations soon, but for now I’m enjoying myself.

I’m sure a couple more plusses and minuses will pop up before it’s over. An above average game so far.

6 thoughts on “Hero’s Saga Laevatein Tactics (1)

  1. Rokuso3 says:

    SRPG in english. Some things like Advance Wars. AND, VALENCIA! WTF?! My family has a house there!! I have to play this XDDD.

    • Kina says:

      Go for it. I’m almost done and it hasn’t pissed me off yet. The only similarity with Advance Wars is the capturing of bases (and I suppose the heroes having special skills) so don’t get too excited.

  2. Isleif says:

    I think I will get this game,if only for the french and spanish interjections; I speak the first and understand the second, so this will be a lot of fun for me.^^

  3. Isleif says:

    Yes, I understood that much from your posts.^^ Let’s say that the interjections are a nice extra touch, and one that I will certainly appreciate. Solatorobo on the DS also featured french interjections and they definitely added a certain je ne sais quoi to the game.

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