Granblue Fantasy – Sparking Anila just because I can.

Seeing as:

1. I have enough crystals to spark two characters in Granblue Fantasy

2. But there is no character I want to spark,

3. And there is no grid I want to build either,

4. And thus I have nothing better to do with the crystals,

5. I have decided to waste these crystals on collecting all the Zodiac characters, starting with Anila.

Why? Because they’re there, that’s why. It’s not even much of an expenditure because I get a 100-draw discount thanks to the Granblue Fantasy 6th Anniversary Roulette. Moreover, I have so many single-draw tickets that I’m not actually going to use any crystals, psych! Plus as a bonus I will pick up even more gold moons that I can exchange for goodness knows what in future.

Right-ho, this isn’t my first or second or even third spark so there’s no need to talk too much. I will only mention the SSRs and new SRs I get. Come to mama, Anila!

1st 10-roll


2nd 10-roll

SR Krugne get! I’m running out of characters to level, so new SRs are always welcome.

3rd 10-roll

Not a thing.

4th 10-roll


5th 10-roll

Zilch. Is this really a premium gala event? I should check the banner on the front page again.

6th 10-roll

Zeus dupe. One more and I can give some thought to building a Zeus grid.

7th 10-roll

Nothing, of course.

8th 10-roll


9th 10-roll

Zippo. They’re even being stingy with the plus marks.

10th 10-roll

They’ve been giving me nothing so far, why would they give me anything now?

That’s the end of the free 100 draws. Oh wait, there’s free Mukku Frenzy? Yaaaaay! Granblue Fantasy is the best~!

At first I used to think Gachapin and Mukku were weird-looking and would have frightened the piss out of me as a kid. Now that I’m used to them, they’re not so bad. In fact they’re kind of cute. And no, I’m not just saying that because of the free draws. 😉

Anyway, Super Mukku Frenzy gave me a Levin Sisters gold moon, De la Fille gold moon and Magus Triad of Wisdom summon, which is new.

Chances of it making it into my summon lineup are next to zero unless the call is super-awesome, but I’ll check it out in a bit and see. Super Mukku Frenzy also gave me a Yodarha gold moon and SR Friday.

As far as dumb SR ideas go, she’s pretty up there.

As well as my first new SSR character, Anne.

Too bad for her, breaking into the frontline of my Water party is harder than finding the cure to a certain popular virus. But at least I’ll have fun leveling her up in the back row.

On with the spark! Thanks to Super Mukku Frenzy, I got 30 more sparks as well as a bonus 50 crystals for having 450 characters now.

Any SSRs from 170 single-draw tickets?

Mercifully enough, and after 6 long years, Granblue Fantasy has finally made it so you can pull up to 10 single tickets at once. Thanks to that, this didn’t take as long as it normally would have. Notable results from 170 pulls:

SSR Sara. This must be the Earth version because I recently pulled Light Sara.

I remember wanting her when I first started because I heard she would help my junk Earth party survive Leviathan Omega. Of course now my Earth party is still junk and absolutely can’t survive Leviathan HL and Europa when they come out with the big guns, so maybe there’s still a place for Sara.

SSR Tsubasa

I love his Two-by-Four weapon, can’t wait to use it as a skin for one of my mainhand weapons. The character himself, I haven’t heard much about. I’ll google around, but I doubt he’s top-tier or anything. Cool design though. Very retro delinquent chic.

SSR Mahira GET!

Two Zodiacs for the price of half of one. Now that’s what I call a bargain! Also I’ve been looking for a good buffer for my useless Earth party for a long time. Arulumaya does her best but she’s a bit random so I’m willing to try Mahira out. But actually I just want her for the sake of completion. And the sake of cuteness. Now I just need to pull SSR Vajra and get Kumbhira next year to get the full set.

SSR Danua… Summer? I didn’t even know this character existed. Wait, are there summer characters in the pool? I had no idea.

Happy though. SR Danua was one of the first characters I got, and she held the fort in my beginner Dark party for a long time, so it’s good to see her again. I’ll even put her on the front lines a bit just for giggles.

SSR Vajra GET! I was not expecting this! What will I spark for now? (Granblue first-world problems XD)

I really like her goofy smile.

To balance this luck out, I got two rare-only draws immediately afterwards.

Hehe, whatevs, I’m still laughing all the way to the bank.

SR Owen get as well. I hear he has a thing for Anne in-story. Do you think he came because she was called? That would be kind of sweet.

And in my final 10-pull, Light Charlotta!

I hear she’s super-tanky, so I look forward to trying her out against Avatar soon. I also pulled SSR Nezha who I thought was a dupe, but turns out he’s new. Eh.

SSR Dupes: Vortex Dragon dupe, Grand Order dupe, Halluel and Malluel dupe, Magus, Triad of Wisdom dupe, Odin dupe (? not sure if I already had him), Light Sarunan dupe.

That’s it for the pulling and drawing. Time for my great objective, Anila-chan! …Or I could get a grand weapon instead… but that would make too much sense. Free Japanese lesson: 初志貫徹 (shoshi kantetsu). It means “finish what you set out to do and save Grand Ferry for another day.”

Anila successfully sparked! All Zodiacs except Kumbhira successfully obtained! And that’s the end of a very fun and fruitful and largely meaningless spark. Y’know, like anyone ever plays a gacha game for the meaning.

Summary of spark results

New SSRs: Magus Triad of Wisdom, Anne, Sara (Earth), Tsubasa, Mahira, Danua, Vajra, Charlotta (light), Nezha, Anila (spark)
New SRs: Krugne, Friday, Owen
Dupes: Zeus, Levin Sisters, De La Fille, Yodarha, Vortex Dragon, Grand Order, Halluel and Malluel, Magus Triad of Wisdom, Odin, Sarunan (light)

That’s enough Granblue Fantasy for one day. I’m about a third of the way to level 180 so I’ll update with the state of my grids and parties and stuff when/if I get there. Next spark will probably be summer? Or if I decide to build a grid that requires sparking. See you guys then!

2 thoughts on “Granblue Fantasy – Sparking Anila just because I can.

  1. Isleif says:

    All this gacha talk makes me wonder: did you get all the Rare Blades when you played Xenoblade Chronicles 2? 😀

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