Zill O’ll Infinite Plus: Progress Update (spoilers)

No, I’m still not done with Zill O’ll Infinite Plus. 30 hours and 59 minutes in, and I’m starting to despair of ever finishing this game.

…Okay, that’s a lie.

Actually the final dungeon opened up to me about 2 hours ago. Which means I could have finished the game by now if I’d wanted to. IF I’d wanted to.

What’s holding me back is the sheer WTFery of the story events going on right now. It all makes perfect sense (it took a while, but I’ve pieced most things together), but still makes you go “WTH, why?!”  The main thing is the way all the NPCs and some of my player characters are dying like flies.

First I was following Angirdan around trying to conquer Rostorl and Aquiris. He told me to skedaddle for a while and come back later. A few days later I’m halfway across the continent when bam, Angirdan dies. Whaaat?! So I rush over to Aquiris to try to find out what happened, just to be told that Estelle, one of my party members, has been kidnapped. So I head over to the desert to save her, a lot of stuff goes down and bam, Estelle dies. Self-sacrifice to save the world.

After that the story triggers flow quick and free, but just as things seem to be settling down I get the chance to go chase Nemea. Poof, he vanishes on me, sent to the netherworld. Just as I step outside and head to Rostorl, bam, Xenetes is dead. Queen Eris is dead. Irene has joined Enchant, but is never seen again. Atreiya, Lemuon and Shari have vanished and I still haven’t found them. I play for a little bit longer and King Seremon of Rostorl dies by my hand. Then the next time I’m just passing by Enchant, I find out the whole city has been wiped out. I’m forced to kill Zagiv and Zophiel because they attacked me first, but this does nothing to bring back the people of Enchant. This means Belzevar is probably dead as well.

You still with me so far? If you are, you shouldn’t be. You should be getting an FAQ so you can play properly unlike me. If you play without a guide, everyone important will die. If you’re one of those people disappointed in how happy-go-lucky and happily-ever-after current jRPG stories are, this is most definitely the game for you.

At this point, even if I succeed in stopping the dark god from being resurrected, half of the continent is already in ruins. And I’m no closer to finding my brother Roy than I was at the start. *sigh* Still, needs must. I think everything that can go wrong has gone wrong, so I just need to finish and be done with this.

In other news, my PS2 is dead. Either I buy a new one or I give up on playing Disgaea and Summon Night 3 & 4 forever. Going to ponder my options for the next couple of days.

2 thoughts on “Zill O’ll Infinite Plus: Progress Update (spoilers)

  1. ogopogo says:

    Didn’t summon night 3 get a remake early this October on the PSP? I’ve only nabbed it off PSN last week or so and have been playing ever since. SN4 also seems to be coming out soon with a remake as well later in November.

    • Kina says:

      It…it did? I heard Summon Night 5 was coming out in Japan later this year, but I hadn’t heard anything about 3 or 4. Thanks for the tip, I’ll look them up.

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