Dragon Quest VII – A JRPGish JRPG for when you just want to play a JRPG

I’d been wanting to play Dragon Quest VII since 2013, but people kept talking me out of it. They said it was slow, they said it was repetitive, they said nothing happened in the game for the first 40 hours. They were right. But they were warning me from the perspective of someone who thinks […]

L2 Love x Loop – So boring I couldn’t keep playing

Yes, Idea Factory actually managed to make a game worse than Kurunugyaaah. And they achieved it quite easily too, by making L2 Love x Loop unspeakably dull. Bad games I can handle. Boring games? Urgh… If this was on the DS or the PSP then maybe I might have toughed it out and completed at […]

Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3 – A harem full of ex-boyfriends

Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 4 was such a mess story-wise that I feared the worst when I picked 3 up, but it’s actually pretty good. Good enough that I actually contemplated going for 100% completion, which would be the first time I’ve ever fully completed an otome game. And I would have done it […]