Shepherd’s Crossing port for Switch, yaaay!

We gaming fans are a stubborn lot. I had already accepted that Shepherd’s Crossing was a dead series outside of the gacha game, but I still stalk the developer (Success Corp) every couple of weeks, juuuust in case they change their minds. Imagine my joy when I checked in today to find out they’re porting […]

Shepherd’s Crossing – General impressions

Since I enjoyed Shepherd’s Crossing 2 for the DS so much, I decided to make Shepherd’s Crossing the first game I played when I got my new PSP. Yes, I finally caved in and bought one. The release of Final Promise Story (Saigo no Yakusoku no Monogatari) made me sit down and take stock, and […]

Shepherd’s Crossing 2 DS

I first played Shepherd’s Crossing 2 as Hakoniwa Seikatsu: Hitsujimura DS (箱庭生活ひつじ村DS), which is the Japanese version. I liked it. I really, really, really liked it. I played it for hours until my arms ached, I lost track of time, I forgot to sleep, I just totally went head over heels for it. There’s so much […]