Christmas Greetings & OreShika update

Merry Christmas everyone! How gameful was your day? I had planned a full day of OreShika and nothing but OreShika, but Candy Crush Soda kept giving me free life after free life after free life, before I knew it half the day was gone. W-what a terrifying game! I finally tore myself away and played […]

OreShika early thoughts – The complainers have a point

I say “early thoughts” because I’m only on my second in-game festival, but I’ve been playing for at least 10 hours. I am also well and truly stuck until I can take Nueko to the festival in June (it’s now March) so this is a good time to pause and dash off a few thoughts […]

World Neverland: The Olerud Kingdom Stories – I am 7 years old and what is this?

The final event may have unlocked in Rune Factory 4, but it’s still firmly dropped. Not only that, but the 3DS itself is on an extended timeout. That’ll learn ya. However, I still felt like playing something simulation-like where I can live and work and get married and stuff. I figured this was as good […]

Record of Agarest War Mariage – 50% grinding, 50% fanservice

I haven’t played any of the ‘regular’ Agarest Senki SRPGs, but I heard this was a standalone game so I approached it accordingly. Record of Agarest War Mariage fits into a long tradition of what I call “harem RPGS.” This genre mainly covers RPGs that feature one clueless male protagonist with a party full of […]

Finished Conception. Verdict: Good dating sim, bad dungeon crawler.

It took me about 33 hours to finish, but other reviews claim 21-25 hours is the norm. I should have spent less time exploring the dungeons and skipped the final three seasonal dungeons once the way to the last boss opened up. The ending was brief, but quite happy. The kegare are disposed of forever, […]