Still haven’t finished Conception II (spoilers)

34 hours in and still not done with Conception II. TBH I haven’t had much time to play in the past two weeks and the dungeons are so boring I often don’t feel like playing even when I do have the time. If not for the girls and their promised endings, I would have dropped the game by now. I press on for the sake of Serina. And Ellie. And Fuuko.

But I do feel a strong temptation to drop it and move on, which is why I tried to power through to the end of the game this weekend. Using Detailed Maps to head straight for the exit on every floor worked pretty well until I got to the end of the Pride dungeon. I beat the Dusk Spawner easily. Then the true boss showed up and began cackling about how we had been doing his will along mwahaha thanks suckers, you never saw it coming mwahaha.

Nah, I knew it all along bro. It’s always like this with these Collect MacGuffin storylines. Either the boss wants you to collect them or he’s going to run off with them as soon as you’re done. I don’t even blame the baddies by now. The stupid hero had it coming for hardly asking any questions and just going along with what people told him because they seemed to know what they were doing.

Why are you gathering Dusk Spawners, what has your research revealed so far, how is sealing them going to help if we don’t know the cause of the Dusk Circles, and so on and so forth? To Giles’ credit he does push back a bit here and there, but he backs down too easily. As the unique God’s Gift, he should be in a stronger position to demand some answers. Maybe if Conception II was a more serious RPG and not a waifu simulator we might have gotten what I wanted. Then again maybe not, that’s just how JRPGs work.

Anyway, a few minutes after the bad guy revealed himself, I ran into a boss battle I couldn’t win and had to retreat. A tactical retreat, mind you. Giving up is still tempting, b-but muh waifus… And I can’t leave poor **** like that anyway, I hope I can save him somehow.

My proposed strategy is to grind up a bit on the Sagitta enemies and farm a few Multi-Potions to cope with the boss’s heavy attacks. Who on earth said Conception II was easy?! …Actually it really is, it’s just this one boss and that one other boss. And maybe the last boss might be a pain as well, I’ll let you know when I get there. See you when I finally finish Conception II and start something else!

7 thoughts on “Still haven’t finished Conception II (spoilers)

  1. Nina says:

    So you finally meet the second hardest boss of this game huh , if you have unlocked it, warlocks are good healers(you need a magician and a cleric in level 25) and the combo with a earth and dark warlock is good because they absorb MP and deals damage , otherwise maybe potions and a mecunite are also valid strategies, this is a battle of endurance so good luck!.

    Also I hate how the dungeons keep going longer and more longer x.x , is a pain if you are doing quest or hunting dolls of the secret element.

    Btw Kina are you planing to play strange journey redux ? They did tone down the cheap things about the original game(like instant game over if main character die and some bosses are a bit more easier) besides the new ends are a lot better (specially law and chaos) the bad thing is the 2 new dungeons because they are a lot confusing and the bosses are a bit harder .

    • Kina says:

      I don’t have any warlocks yet, but the requirements are simple enough that I can try and get one or two now. And maybe unlock a few other hidden classes while I’m at it.

      I liked Strange Journey, but not enough to play the remake. As a general principle I would rather play a new game than replay an old one. There are a few exceptions to this, but they’re mostly puzzle and rhythm games like Picross and Ouendan.

  2. Isleif says:

    Haaa, reading your posts about Conception II make me feel all mushy and nostalgic about that game. Now I want to play it again… ^^

    Unlike you though, I was left unimpressed by the romance, although I assiduously pursued Fuuko in my run. But the crawling… Oh dear, I LOVED the crawling. That dungeon design, spare and simple yet gorgeous, clicked with me so much that I ended up grinding like a beast, just for the sheer pleasure of it.

    I remember the final boss being quite hard: it was the first (and only) boss fight in my run in which ovelevelling alone didn’t do the trick, meaning I had to resort to strategizing. Not that it’s a bad thing at all, mind you; it was nice to face a solid challenge right at the end, after a grindy run that was mostly piece of cake.

    • Kina says:

      I know exactly what you mean. I’m not upset at all by the occasional tough boss. In fact I wish they were all tough because there are so many skills and classes in this game and it’s a waste to have no one to use it on.
      I won’t say I’m “impressed” by the romance in this game, but I am enjoying the romantic routes, some more than others.

  3. K says:

    Main Chara: “So why do I have to collect the pieces of the super powerful Ancient Thing that destroyed the Ancient Civilization because it is too powerful?”
    Totally-not-the-Bad-Guy-I-swear: “To fight back evil, of course!”
    MC: “Checks out”

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