Real Rode Portable – Somari GET!

real rode portable somari happy endJust typing up loose ends in Real Rode Portable. Somari is a character who wasn’t in the original ‘game’ Nina played. He shows up out of nowhere with no memory of his past. What dark, dire secret could he possibly be hiding? I was a little curious so I went ahead and did his route.

Somari’s secret? You can find out for yourself if you play the game. It was really quite unexpected in a way that makes you go “Aargh, why didn’t I see that coming?!” I got the happy ending, which left a ton of questions unanswered, but I could tell Somari’s alternate ending was going to be really horrible, so I had no choice but to avoid it this time. This is another end where Nina gets to go back to her original end, so all’s well that ends well.

This is definitely it for me and Real Rode Portable, though. The game is really boring after the first two playthroughs, even if you skip most of the battles and the text you’ve already read. You still have to walk from town to town and got through dungeon after dungeon all over again and it really isn’t much fun after the first two times. As far as I know there’s no reward for clearing all the routes or maxing your stats. It’s a game where you go in and get the two or three guys you want then call it a day. Either that or you set it aside and play it once every six months so it doesn’t get so tiresome so quickly.

I finished Somari’s route last week, actually, so I’ve already played and finished my next game. It’s a GBA sim game called Gakkou wo Tsukurou!! Advance and I was going to review it but I couldn’t get my thoughts quite together so I’ll do that next time. After finishing Gakkou wo Tsukurou, I started Summon Night 4. I meant to just fight a battle or two, but two turned into three and three turned into four and four turned into… you get the picture. So I’ll just go ahead and play it.

As for Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, I haven’t officially dropped it yet but it seriously stresses me out so I don’t know how much longer I can keep playing it. I haven’t actually been wiped out yet, but I’m always on the verge of destruction with dangerously low HP, running and hiding from every remotely dangerous-looking enemy. This is making me underlevelled, which is only worsening my plight, etc etc. Wahhh >_< And they said it would be easy! I should probably find a spot and grind away on some bats or zombies or something. Maybe later.

2 thoughts on “Real Rode Portable – Somari GET!

  1. Paul says:

    Are you using souls and potions? You do know save points restore you to full health, and that your supposed to experiment with the souls until you find some that work for you. Your mp meter isn’t that hard to refill so don’t be too conservative about using souls. And switch weapons to, higher attack weapons also let your souls do more damage

    • Kina says:

      I haven’t gotten many souls yet. I battle my way through and if I get a soul fine, if I don’t, fine. That kind of thing. Are save points a one-time restore or can I hang around one and grind a bit? I’ll try it out, just as soon as I can pry myself from Summon Night 4.

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