La Corda d’Oro – Shimizu GET!

la corda shimizuI don’t often replay games, but after a recent string of disappointments I wanted to play something I knew I’d like. And I almost had it right with La Corda d’Oro too. The gameplay is still as involving as ever and I love classical music as much as ever. I just made a slight mistake in choosing the romantic interest this time. I wasn’t interested in Shimizu when I first played two years ago and time has changed none of that lack of interest. The dull-eyed, sleepy slacker is always my least favorite character in any kind of  media. Okay second least favorite, after the playboy.

By the time Shimizu finally took an interest in the contest and began to speak above a barely-audible mumble, I had already written him off in favor of getting to know other characters better. Still it was easy enough to get his affection and rivalry to 1000 and get his date ending, so I went ahead and did it. I don’t know what he said in the end though, because I mashed X through it and turned the PS2 off. Phew.

47112-la-corda-doro-keiichi-shimizuBut enough about that. No need to turn this into a Shimizu-bashing session. Not when I have more interesting things to think about. All along I’d assumed that nobody ever found out about the gimmicked violin MC used to sweep the first two selections. It turns out I just hadn’t triggered the right events before (or maybe I had but just skipped through them ‘cos they were talking too much. That happens a lot). Over the course of this playthrough, Tsuchiura, Tsukimori and Ousaki all find out about her violin, with different reactions.

Tsuchiura, laid back dude that he is, thinks it’s no big deal and that’s it only natural for a rank amateur to be given a handicap when going up against more experienced players. Hmm, true, I see where he’s coming from.

Ousaki thinks it’s fine too, because it’s not all the magic violin: MC also puts a lot of emotion and skill into her playing. Okay, I guess. She does practice quite a bit. And she does put some thought into picking pieces, outfits and interpretations.

Tsukimori, on the other hand, is completely furious. And who can blame him? He’s been practicing upwards of 5 hours a day for most of his life to get to where he is and here comes this kid with a magical violin, are you kidding me?

keiichi shimizu kiniro no cordaOf course he’s mad. It’s easy for Tsuchiura and Ousaki to be chill about it. They’re not the ones in the music department. They’re not the ones who have to practice day in and day out, living up to constant pressure from within and without and dealing with the “Wow Tsukimori, you really suck compared to this newbie!” comments. I’m surprised he didn’t just drop out of the competition in protest.

I mean I do see how it would be unfair to toss MC into the contest when she had never even held a violin before, but the obvious answer would be to not let her compete at all. And if she does compete and it’s “only natural” for her to get a handicap then why try to keep it a secret? Lili the fairy is such a cheat.

Poor Tsukimori Len, so ill-used and hard done by. I wonder how he’ll react when MC stops using the magic violin and still trumps him handily? That’s just my way of saying I really want to replay La Corda d’Oro right now and do Tsukimori’s route. And I’ll do it too, eventually. Right now, though, I’m feeling quite fortified by the familiar so I’m ready to strike out in new (but not too new) directions. Now’s a good time to start either Shining Tears or Sakura Taisen 3 while my PS2 is still in a good mood. I’m all but certain I’ll enjoy the latter, so I’ll start with that now and get back to La Corda d’Oro later. Mata ne!

3 thoughts on “La Corda d’Oro – Shimizu GET!

  1. PartyMePlox! says:

    I don’t like these kind of games, but I respect your taste :), even tho, your writting style is very good!

    I was unsure if I should write this but… I want to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind:

    1 – Did you find your 3DS? (This is an icebreaker question… :).

    2 – Why you didn’t write an about page? Like where do you live and stuff like that? Obviously, non-sensitive data only, but I think that kind of things are what connect you with with others, and that’s your goal writing this blog or I am wrong?
    I personally, want to know if you like anime and if you have a MyAnimeList account for example, if you are a boy or girl, your age (approximately lol), if you work, etc.

    3 – What did motivate you to write a blog?

    Sorry, I know this isn’t related to this blog directly, and you don’t have to answer if you don’t want.

    I like reading you, you SHOULD be a writer, that’s how i feel.


    • Kina says:

      Thanks for all the nice words. When I started out I read a lot of “How to write a blog” posts and it was all so stressful I decided to just write the first thing that came to mind instead of worrying about style. I think part of the reason I’ve been able to continue this blog for almost 7 years is because I just let myself be myself. That’s what I’d recommend for anyone else who wants to blog.

      In response to your questions:
      1. No.
      2 & 3. I (female) used to like anime a lot, nowadays not so much. In my heyday I was watching two or three series a week, now even one a month is too much for me. I did start Sword Art Online a few days ago (because the games sound interesting) and it’s not too bad. A bit rushed but not bad. I’m not on MAL.

      Writing personal stuff isn’t really my thing (i.e. I don’t wanna) but I did answer some questions about myself in a post not too long ago. That’s the best I can do for you.

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