Granblue Fantasy – Now is the Winter of our Discount Spark

…Made glorious summer by this Wheel of Salt.

Welcome to my second Granblue Fantasy spark for 2018. As with my last spark in summer, I’m trying to get something to finish up my Varuna grid. This time I’m getting Drang’s weapon, the Blue Sphere. If nothing else it’s a good main hand for Sage, or so I’ve heard. Also I’ve never sparked during a Flashfest before so I’d be happy to pull some Flashfest exclusives. Like, y’know, Shiva, or Shiva, or even Shiva. But I can get him some other time so my goal remains unchanged. If I manage to pull the Blue Sphere before 300 draws is up, I’ll either drop the spark (if it’s under 100 sparks) or get an Ixaba or second Eden so I can build Agni or Zeus.

Day 1 – Nothing (10 rolls).
Day 2 – Tezcatlipoca (10 rolls). I used to want this summon but I can’t remember why.

Also pulled 20 single tickets and got an Agni dupe and Eustace.
I don’t have Titan but I’m stockpiling weapons just in case so I’ll take that Stratomizer.
Day 3 – 20 rolls. Europa dupe only. Rolled another 20 single tickets and got SSR Gorilla. Free quartz! And more importantly, free rainbow prisms so I can build Seox!
Day 4 – Gachpin frenzy. More like Gachapain. I’ve had it three times so far and it’s always been interrupted after one or two rounds by a gold moon. But it’s not good to complain about Free Stuff so I’ll take it with a smile. Here goes nothing… Yup, ends in the very first round with an SSR.

Light Silva! Water Silva is the best SSR I have ever pulled so if her alt lives up to even 70% of her older version’s prowess I’ll be happy.

Welp, that’s it for the free pulls. I only saved 50 free rolls on the spark, but it’s better than nothing. Okay Drang, come to Mama. 20 single tickets, 4 10-draw tickets and 57,000 crystals. Hmmmm… I dunno if I wanna do this any more. Is the Blue Sphere really that good? Wouldn’t it be better to get a third Murgleis and a chance at the new Zodiac in a few days? It would, wouldn’t it? ……. ….. … Eh, what the heck, I’ll do it anyway.

20 single tickets gave me a Grand Order dupe. Yay, I’ve MLB’d Grand Order. I still remember how GO legit carried me through my first 6 months of the game. To think I would finally have my own someday, sniff, sniff… Time for the 10-draw tickets. You watch and see how Granblue Fantasy will give me only SRs even though Gachapin cut me short after one round.

1st ticket:
Wheeeeee! *ahem* I mean, this is acceptable. My fire team really needs hard hitters, so I hope he can help.
2nd ticket: Zilch.
3rd ticket:
Light Jeanne. a.k.a. a new skin for my Dark Jeanne. I like free skins.
4th ticket:
Okay, that wasn’t as awful as I had feared. Let’s finish this with the crystals. 57,000 crystals is 19 10-draws if my calculator is right. Wait, my math is off. After all this, I have 150 sparks, which means I need 150 more, which is… 45000 crystals. How did I get that 57,000 figure? Oh right, I forgot to count the 40 single tickets I had used before. Careless mistakes like this have plagued me throughout my academic career. MATH IS HARD!

1st: Nuffink.
2nd: Another Europa dupe. One more and I can MLB her. Come on Granblue, you can do it!
3rd: Nada.
4th: Zero.
5th: Shiva dupe. Purifying Thunderbolt might be good for Agni grid if it ever gets FLB’d.
6th: Sylph
It’s a bit rude to reduce her for prisms so soon after she came out so I’ll keep her in the stash for a bit.
7th: Zip.
8th: Arriet dupe and Lancelot dupe.
9th: Lancelot and Vane.
10th: Not even a single moon.
11th: More nothings. What happened to talk of giving out a trophy for drawing 9R and a characterless SR?
12th: Sylph dupe and Dark Angel Olivia:
Fallen Sword is supposed to be good for dark. Was that primal or magna? I can’t spare the damascus bars to FLB it right now, but I’ll be sure to keep it safe just in case.
13th: Nought.
14th: Nowt.
15th: Clarisse dupe.

Phew, it’s over! I was starting to run out of synonyms for “Nothing” 😀 Time to pick up my Blue Sphere and skedaddle!

That was fun, kinda. I wish I wasn’t so ambivalent about this Blue Sphere thing. It’s gotta be awesome, right? I mean I sparked for it and everything, I’ve gotta convince myself of that. If nothing else, it will absorb some of the tons of weapon fodder that’s clogging my weapon box and stashes.

Final spark tally

SSR summons: Tezcatlipoca, Agni (dupe), Europa (dupe), Gorilla, Grand Order (dupe), Ca Ong, Europa (second dupe), Sylph, Sylph (dupe)
SSR characters: Eustace, Silva (light), Shiva, Jeanne d’Arc (light), Shiva (dupe), Arriet (dupe), Lancelot (dupe), Lancelot and Vane, Dark Angel Olivia, Clarisse (dupe), Drang (spark target)
SRs: Shao and a ton of silver moons
R: No new ones.

That’s 20 SSRs, or 6.66% and I got both the rate-up characters. I also got trophies for getting more characters and weapons.

Yay for sparking! If I get a 100-draw roulette spin during the next banner, I’ll spark again for another Murgleis, otherwise I’ll wait for anniversary roulette. And I’ll report on whether Blue Sphere made a difference to my Varuna grid or not, once I get round to fitting it in and stuff. See you next time!

4 thoughts on “Granblue Fantasy – Now is the Winter of our Discount Spark

  1. Spoopy says:

    Happy New Year! Congratulations on the spark!

  2. Shawl says:

    Congratulations on the spark!
    I found your GBF stories on your blog like a year ago. And I have to say, I am very impressed. It´s an important work that let´s new players see how the game can develop if you put your time and effort in it. I also found it interesting that you first said, playing up to lvl.101 and then calling it quits. But now, we are here.

    So I kinda want to take the chance and ask you an honest question:
    I played this game on and off during the last 1,5 year. And I´m only at lvl. 77 with a lot of good stuff already for every element. However no grid fully MLB´d. Closest is Wind with 3 guns mlb´d out of 6 that are lvl.10.
    Is it worth putting more time into the game? I ask for your opinion since you seem to have a lot of experience with the game.

    And is it possible to achieve sth even if I would be playing casually?
    The thing is: I really like the presentation of the game and the grid mechanic. But I also have to finish up my master degree this year and can´t be playing games for several hours every single day. Mind giving some advice based on personal experience?

    Thank you in advance and happy new year for you man!
    Let´s rock 2019.

    • Kina says:

      Many happy returns of the day!

      It’s totally worth it playing super-casually, as long as you are efficient about it. And that means focusing first on grids, then on useful jobs. You can get that done in a few hours of play a week, no need to go all out. E.g. you log in at strike time, do your hard+ and omega raids, log off. Spend your pendants on useful omega weapons and eventually you’ll have good grids for every element. It won’t be a fast process but you’ll get there.

      That said, Granblue Fantasy is just a game in the end. It won’t feed you, it won’t clothe you, you can’t put it on your resume. My personal recommendation would be to finish the Master’s degree as well as you can and make as many useful connections as you can while in grad school. Graduate well, get a good job, then you can worry about video games. If you can fit some gaming in there, cool. Otherwise if that means taking 2019 off from gaming, so be it. Games will still be around when you finish.

      This is coming from someone who wasted way too much time on chat groups and anime in college. Don’t be like me. Academics first, fun later!

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