Genshin Impact patch 4.2 – Furina at last!

Furina Focalors from Genshin Impact… I’m writing this post on November 12th. I don’t have Furina yet, but I’m determined to make her mine. 50/50 gave me Qiqi, another 60 rolls gave me nothing, but I had tons of undone archon quests, world quests, and hangouts to fill up that primogem count. Not to mention sooooo many unexplored areas in that huge Fontaine map. If they release any more areas after this, I won’t know what to do with myself!

Anyway, leaving this post here while I do the story quests (Fortress of Meropide, worst quest ever) and farm up materials and artifacts for Furina. Will update when I have her. Wait, you want to know why I want her? Because she’s an archon. I’m happy with the characters I currently have and don’t plan to pull for more in the short-term, but archons are almost always top-tier characters (Nahida numbah wan!) and I kinda like Furina, so why not?

Right, back to the grindstone!

Update (19th November) – Furina GET! For real this time. Along the way I finished all of the archon quests to date as well as Lyney’s and Furina’s character quests. I started out not liking Furina and Lyney (moar liek Lie-ney amirite) and I still don’t like the latter, but Furina kind of grew on me in the end. More than “like” it’s more like I pity her tremendously, and I’m sort of happy sort of sad for her in the end.

Fontaine’s story once all the twists and turns come out was easier to understand than Sumeru’s, but boy was it dark. When Sumeru’s story was over I was like “Yay, all’s well that ends well, time to explore!” With Fontaine I’m like “Wahh, mommy, can you come get me?” It doesn’t feel good at all even once everything is over and done with.

And because of that lingering dread and discomfort, I don’t want to do any more quests. What other horrible tragedies and unpleasant crimes await my discovery? :-< Can we just go to Natlan now?

Back to Furina… I don’t actually have a use for her. I don’t even know what she’s good at. Have I even read her skill descriptions? Not sure… Until further notice, I’ll be running and refining my usual Zhongli-Xingqiu-Nahida-Fischl team while building my Nilou bloom team on the side. And despite what I said above, I’ll be doing the less annoying Fontaine quests for the primogems so I can pull Kazuha. He’s the only character I can feel that my account is really “missing.” Everyone after this I would just be pulling for the heck of it, including the archons of Natlan and Snezhnaya.

Nothing else to report. Got Furina, don’t plan to use. Finished Fontaine story, feels bad man. In other gaming news, I’m finally starting to (somewhat) enjoy SMTV so I’ll probably write something about it next time. Oh yeah, and I finished all the puzzles in Picross 3D Second Round and I’m really really really sad there aren’t any more in the series, so I might talk about that as well. Until then, happy gaming!

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