Gacha gaming update 2023 – Dissidia: Final Fantasy – Opera Omnia

dissidia final fantasy opera omnia penelo in battleI’m a big sucker for game anniversary events. I suspect a lot of people are, which is why most online games make a fuss over anniversaries. When I heard Dissidia Final Fantasu Opera Omnia was giving away hundreds of free draws for its 5th anniversary, I couldn’t help logging in again. And like smart developers, they doled the draws out over weeks, all the way up to March 2nd. That kept me playing for a good long while, but once it was over… same old, same old. And so I uninstalled it again.

I had fun getting new characters, though. It’s nice for DFFOO to be generous with gems and tickets, but normally your pulling options are limited to a few rate-up character weapons in a banner. Which is nominally a good thing because you pull for weapons, not characters, and you need most/all of a character’s set of weapons to use them effectively. But when you play a game about lots and lots of Final Fantasy characters, naturally you want to pull lots and lots of FF characters.

The 5th anniversary banner was a rare opportunity, which I enjoyed to the max. Not only did I use all the free pulls but I also grinded the hell out of the Spiritus dungeons that give 400 draw tickets each. And I used all the tickets on the anniversary banner for even more characters. Somebody stop me! As a result, I got a lot of characters, but only a few weapons for each, so most of them are functionally useless, at least for now. But that’s totally not the point, so I’m okay.

Once the banner ended, there was nothing to keep me around. I’m not interested in the game’s story, and I still think the Force Era is too gimmicky and I still don’t want to fight any Shinryu damage sponge enemies. It was very much a “Wait… why am I playing this again?” moment. And I did get the answer to that question: to pull lots and lots of FF characters! Unlike most other games that make you work your butt off for less than a single pull (ahem Genshin Impact ahem), DFFOO hands them out quick and easy, which makes it a great source of that ever-elusive gacha dopamine fix.

dissidia final fantasy opera omnia gacha game 5th anniversary draw


So I’ll definitely be back the next time they do something similar, or whenever I just feel like it. I think it’s a very good game, actually. I’m just occupied with flashier, more/less demanding stuff. DFFOO requires more babysitting than I’m willing to give, but it’s not as engaging like peak Genshin Impact, for instance, so it’s in a weird spot for me. Just hope it doesn’t get cancelled before I can get back to it. Same with Romancing SaGa Re;Universe, which I want to try again for much the same gacha-pulling reason, once I’ve played a few Romancing SaGa games.

Aight, enough for one day. Back to the grindstone.

4 thoughts on “Gacha gaming update 2023 – Dissidia: Final Fantasy – Opera Omnia

  1. Jan says:

    Lol. Worst review ever.

  2. Kuin says:

    Fantastic review!

    As a long time fan of FF, I enjoy the pulls, the large rooster of characters as well as the story.

    P.S. In regards your bit about GI, I agree, I worked really hard for the gems only to get Diluc instead of Xiao. 🙁

    • Kina says:

      Awww, Xiao is mai boi. I would be so disappointed. At the same time I’ve wanted Diluc and Jean for ages and still don’t have them. ;_;

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