Fuurai no Shiren 2 – I give up

Waaaah! I’ve been on 23 adventures so far and I still can’t beat that stupid tower place with the ceremony thing going on! I haven’t even made it to the boss since, I keep getting ganged up on and barely escaping with my life around floors 15-17. I go back, buff my shield/axe, train up a bit, head out… I thought if I repeated that several times I might be able to clear at least that tower, but this isn’t working! I always run out of helpful scrolls or good healing items at some point, or those pesky ghost soldiers possess something and make my life hell, or my most important goods get cursed, it just never ends! Waaaaaaaah!

So I give up. Fuurai no Shiren 2 Sabaku no Majou was way more fun for me than the first game, but after fighting the same enemies 20+ times, even I must throw in the towel. There’s still Shiren 4 and 5 for the DS that I’d like to play sooner or later, though I don’t expect to get any further than I did with this one.

Moving on, it’s July! Which means it’s time to tackle another item from my resolutions list. It was a toss up between Tales of Innocence and Suikoden II, but 1) Star Ocean and Tales games have pretty similar battle systems. I need some refreshment, and 2) I’ve already tried a bit of ToI before and I didn’t like it much, so I’m not in a real hurry to get back to it. I’d heard a lot about Star Ocean, I finally tried it and it was pretty good, so maybe Suikoden II will be an equally pleasant surprise. Must try it and see.

3 thoughts on “Fuurai no Shiren 2 – I give up

  1. Dahl says:

    If you’re going to play Suikoden II you just HAVE to play Suikoden I first, it’s an entirely different experience when the characters you knew from the first game join you in the second, years after the events of the first.

    Suikoden II played after I is a rollercoaster of feels, because you spend half the game trying to understand what happened to the world you knew and loved, and some things just don’t add up. And for the ending, it’s ‘all those feels’ for its own story.
    It’s even better if you play the 3rd game after that, as one special character that was always by your side (in both games) goes the “wrong” way, and it’s tears all over in the ending.

    Just be aware that, while S1 didn’t age that well compared to the second game, it’s still damn enjoyable.

    • Kina says:

      I’ve already played Suikodens 1 and 3. Played 1 about 10 years ago, but I remember it pretty well. While I really, really enjoyed 1, I didn’t like 3 very much and still haven’t finished it.

  2. […] by my new-found success, I decided to give Shiren DS 2 a second try as well. I’ve only done about 10 adventures so far, but it only took one adventure to notice […]

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