Done with Ore ni Hatarakette Iwaretemo Otsu

ore ni hatarake aldebaranSome games you finish, other games you just shrug and go “I guess that’s enough.” I’m not sure Ore ni Hatarakette Iwaretemo Otsu even has a proper endgame even if I wanted to finish it. All you can do is unlock all the dungeons and kill all the monsters and that’s the end of that. If you don’t have the stamina to go that far then you pick a good stopping place and stop.

For me the stopping point was unlocking level 9 dungeons. There’s a huge spike in difficulty from 8 to 9, meaning my ace team was either getting wiped out or barely squeaking by on each adventure. A little grinding in some of the reverse dungeons would have had them up to speed after a while, I’m sure, but this isn’t the kind of game where grinding is especially fun because you don’t do any of the fighting yourself. And let’s say I do grind up enough to beat the level 9 dungeons, then what? More grinding for level 10? Ehhh. So I picked my moment and said goodbye.

ore ni hatarake achievementsAnd it’s not only me. I suspect the vast majority of players will quit around that point or a little before because they’ll have done everything worth doing at that point. Your debt is long paid off, you’ve met all the unique characters and your landlady has long since run out of new things to say. Chances are you’ve already tried all the adventurer classes and maxed out a lot of facilities and discovered the bulk of the weapons and armor available in the game. There just isn’t anything left to do any more except grind. It’s like a marker at that point “This is where the developer ran out of ideas. Continue? Y/N.” I doubt any but the strictest completionists will pick yes.

ore ni hatarake monsterThat said, I’m not really criticizing the game or anything. They’ve done well making it this far. All things considered it’s a simple but really fun game once you get the hang of it. That said, since they’re making a sequel (Ore ni Hatarakette Iwaretemo Tori) here’s my very short wishlist:

  • A protagonist who is just lazy and not an actual hikkikomori so he can go out and meet new people and others can come visit him other than his landlady.
  • Making the level cap 300 is good, but then you need to stretch class development out a little longer. Instead of one class change at level 50 and several classes that never class change at all, have multiple changes and paths so players are kept busy trying to catch them all. Let characters learn skills more often too, and let the gamer know that Character so-and-so’s next skill is coming up at level XYZ so you’re motivated to keep using them.
  • More unique characters with lengthier stories. More pictures of monsters and bosses too.
  • More quests with better rewards.
  • More achievements. Even minor or obscure ones can keep things interesting.
  • A bigger map to develop and more facilities to plant and level up. More rewards for developing the town too.

That’s about it. I don’t fault Ore ni Hatarakette Iwaretemo Otsu for a second for not having any of these. It’s just a small indie game that has done a lot with the few resources it has. It would just be nice to have more things when they make the next one, is all. That’s one’s going on my To Play list for sure, so I’m looking forward to it. Until then I’ll miss my team of expert monster-killers, but it’s time to move on.

6 thoughts on “Done with Ore ni Hatarakette Iwaretemo Otsu

  1. PartyMePlox! says:

    I recently started this game thanks to this blog 🙂 and I didn’t know anybody else to ask for help. So please, really please, can you answer these questions please?

    1) What’s the difference between the first option (The first option available to any dungeon) and the one that start with 3 at the dungeon selection?

    2) I have 6 members and i can’t recruit anymore, I think I have to upgrade the big house, is that correct? Why is so expensive to upgrade 150.000 J?

    3) What level they job advance? I know from a wiki that lvl 50 is needed and a training camp? How I can know which building is the training camp ;/ ? How many advances per job?

    That’s all for now, I will wait for your reply, and thank you for everything you’ve done 🙂

    • Kina says:

      1) Uh, don’t remember. Can I get a screenshot? Just take a picture of the screen with your camera.

      2) Correct. And not only is it expensive to upgrade but it also increases your rent permanently, plus you also have to pay all those new adventurers every month as well. It’s there to increase the challenge so you have to balance going on more adventures with making enough money to cover the increased expenses.

      3) The training camp is this one 訓練屋 and you need three hard logs 硬い木 to build it. It has no synergy effect, so don’t build it next to your house or the magic tower because there are better uses for those spaces.

      There’s only one advancement per job. Adventurers in a lower job will still keep learning skills up till level 200 (skills they can’t learn once they class up), so if you want every skill in the game you can hire some lower rankers later on and let them level up forever. Also story characters need you to fulfill all their story quests before they will automatically class up. Story characters will learn their lower ranked skills anyway even if they class up early.

      • PartyMePlox! says:

        Thank you for your reply!!!!

        I really apreciate it, thanks again 🙂

        The options I mean are these:

        The first one vs the one that start with 3, both do the same to me, but I don’t know the difference :P, Can you please tell me which one to choose ?

        • Kina says:

          Ah, the 3すくみ option. I didn’t fully understand it myself, but there’s a monster triangle in every dungeon that keeps the monster population in balance. Think of it like Bugs > Beasts > Fairies > Bugs kind of thing, and the 3すくみ option is either used to restore that balance or destroy it, I forget which. IIRC using that option is the fastest way to get rare monsters 希少種 to appear in your dungeon so you can get the reward for dungeon completion.

          • PartyMePlox! says:

            Wow thank you very muchie!!

            I found in a blog, that if you want to get rare species of mana, Explore the map in the dungeon search⇒3すくみモンスター討伐, because 3 freezing it is written to help me come out and reduce the number of habitat.
            3 freezing any of one of the set comes out rare species and populations decreases of ish different for each dungeon.

            Thanks to youm I really understand this!

            Rge only problem I got is that the landlord ask for SO MUCH money after the first month! 150.000J, i barely get 15.000 J an selling every item i got to 50.000J. Not even a scratch!

            What can I do at the start? I already started 4 times u,u

            Thanks for everything!!!

          • Kina says:

            I died once too, so I sympathize. But you don’t have to pay the landlord back after the first month, you have 6 months to make the money back. So even though your debt will pile up every month, if you get enough adventurers going on successful adventures day after day, you should be able to clear your debt by the 6th month.

            The key is to expand your building once, hire the max number of (not-too-expensive) adventurers and only send them to dungeons they can comfortably beat, because the penalty for being wiped out is really steep. It helps to appoint cautious leaders and to build an item store and then buy healing items for your adventurers to auto-use.

            You should be okay after that. After the 6th month, don’t rush to expand but build up some savings first before hiring more adventurers.

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