Record of Agarest War Mariage – 50% grinding, 50% fanservice

I haven’t played any of the ‘regular’ Agarest Senki SRPGs, but I heard this was a standalone game so I approached it accordingly. Record of Agarest War Mariage fits into a long tradition of what I call “harem RPGS.” This genre mainly covers RPGs that feature one clueless male protagonist with a party full of […]

Antiphona no Seikahime – Sugar and spice but not very nice

I didn’t like Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure, so what made me think I’d enjoy its sequel? Answer: nothing. Which is why I didn’t bother giving it more than 2 hours and 30 minutes of my time. I have a poor track record when it comes to enjoying Nippon Ichi Software games anyway, so I find […]