Played a little more Final Fantasy Type-0. It’s still a mess.

Last time I posted I was 5 hours into Final Fantasy Type-0, now I’m at the 10 hour mark. I still don’t know what I’m doing, but whatever it is it’s working, because I’ve completed two more missions. C ranking and pitiful money for both, but completion is completion. A few notes. – The story […]

Dark Cloud 2 – Great, but slightly grindy

I’m so glad I cleared my schedule just to spend time on Dark Cloud 2. In addition to the five-ish hours I’d played already, I also got about 10 hours of playing done yesterday and today. Right now I’m almost done (I think?) with chapter 3, with around 15 hours played. I’ve done as much […]

Final Fantasy Type-0 – One hot mess

I’ve played 3 hours and 54 hours of Final Fantasy Type-0, clearing the prologue and the first story mission. After very little thought and very little agonizing, I’ve decided to shelve this for a while. It’s not because I don’t like it, though that’s true, or that I’m finding it difficult, though that’s also true. […]