Alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic!

rezel cross hyper rezel rouletteI haven’t gone anywhere. The end of the year just happens to be an extremely busy time for me, so blogging often gets the short end of the stick. That said, “too busy to blog” and “too busy to play video games” are two completely different status effects, so I did make the time to start two new PSP games recently.

Rezel Cross – Not too far into this one, maybe 6, 7 hours. I was going to write about it, actually, but I got lazy so next time. Right now I’m really enjoying the one-man parties, the watercolor aesthetic and the way you have to use different field abilities to get past obstacles. Or I should say I was enjoying it until they presented me with a stealth mission. I HATE stealth missions. Do I hate them because I’m bad at them or am I bad because I hate them? (The former, obviously, but let me keep some pride okay?) Either way the mission killed the happy buzz I had going, so I turned it off and started playing…

Tsukumonogatari – If I can’t play Legend of Legacy (long story) then I can at least play another game by FuRyu, was my reasoning. I only barely started this, like 15 minutes, and I’m already regretting it because it looks like a visual novel. And not a particularly interesting one either. Even worse, they won’t let me save so I can go back to Rezel Cross… On the other hand I had a lot of fun with the last Furyu “adventure” game I played, so as long as this isn’t too long and too boring, i.e. if they’ll just stop talking and let me save already!! it might be good too.

Here’s hoping I’ll be able to report back on these games soon. Ah, busy busy busy busy busy busy busy…

10 thoughts on “Alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic!

  1. ogopogo says:

    Something happened to the 3DS? I guess it did, otherwise you’d probably be all over Stella Glow and 7th-Dragon III by now. Anyway, it’s definitely getting to that time of the year, busy busy.

    • Kina says:

      I had to return it and… stuff. Stella Glow and Legend of Legacy early next year (maybe), but I’m hoping for a localization for 7th Dragon III so I’ll wait a while and see if we get lucky first.

      • ogopogo says:

        Ah that’s too bad. Oh well, at least there’s still Summon Night 5 that’s been localized recently, albeit minus any voice over what-so-ever.

        • Kina says:

          Heard about the voiceover debacle, doesn’t really bother me (I could always play the original if I cared that much). I don’t have the time right now, but I definitely want to play SN5 soon!

  2. teasel says:

    ehy kina! what was your final opinion on bravely default in the end? i want to get into it because it looks like a beatiful game but to be honest i’m a little cold when it comes to game with jobs system and i heard the plot is kinda bland and stupid

    • Kina says:

      Alas, I never finished Bravely Default. My final thoughts are here ( but since it’s full of spoilers, I’ll summarize my thoughts: I don’t usually like job systems, but this one is kind of fun once you unlock some of the better jobs. There are a lot of sidequests too, which I usually enjoy.

      The story starts out okay and gets pretty interesting, but falls apart in the second half, so badly that I couldn’t bring myself to finish it. If story is big deal for you in RPGs (or if you hate backtracking/time loops/being forced to fight the same bosses 20 times in a row), I would play the first half of the game then watch the ending on Youtube once the story starts looping.

      With the level of hype and noise that always accompanies Square-Enix games, you might feel like you’re missing out by not playing BD (I know I felt that way a bit). If that’s the case, then go ahead and play it. But if you’re not that hot on it to begin with, maybe you should shove it on the back burner until you have nothing else to play.

  3. Davzz says:

    Are you considering playing Angelique Retour, the remake of the original Angelique?

  4. I really like Rezel Cross, including the mission mechanic. There are many missions, and most have a stealth component, so it might not be your kind of game.

    Although it’s your basic “evil empire” game, I like how the characters’ stories are basically separate for the first 2/3 of the game, but still manager to be engaging (special shoutouts to Marion and Zess’s stories on this front).

    The coolest thing about the game is the battle system. It’s neat how you can evade pretty much any attack they throw at you. Skills and evasion use the same resource, which means you either have to make decisions about which attacks to evade, or max out your SP and hope you’re good enough on the roulette not to kill your party.

    • Kina says:

      Yeah, I like the attack block option too, since taking all those attacks head on is a one-way ticket to a Game over. I haven’t continued Rezel Cross since I posted though, because first Tsukumonogatari turned out to be rather interesting, and then I suddenly found myself playing Dragon Shadow Spell…

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