Dragon Quest VII – A JRPGish JRPG for when you just want to play a JRPG

I’d been wanting to play Dragon Quest VII since 2013, but people kept talking me out of it. They said it was slow, they said it was repetitive, they said nothing happened in the game for the first 40 hours. They were right. But they were warning me from the perspective of someone who thinks […]

Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl – As annoying as I’d always suspected

I dropped Conception II. At some point I didn’t feel like playing it any more, so that was that. It’s in accordance with my motto for 2018: “It’s enough to play just a little bit of a game.” In Conception II‘s case I played a lot and enjoyed it a fair bit, saw most of […]

Still haven’t finished Conception II (spoilers)

34 hours in and still not done with Conception II. TBH I haven’t had much time to play in the past two weeks and the dungeons are so boring I often don’t feel like playing even when I do have the time. If not for the girls and their promised endings, I would have dropped […]