Finished Shin Megami Tensei V after 72 hours. It was kind of fun, actually

shin megami tensei v nahobino in battle

Fun, but not memorable. I would have passed it by without a final word if I hadn’t heard recently that Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance was coming out. I thought it would be a spin-off like SMTIV: Apocalypse, but no, they just added more content and re-released it. Which is like RRGGGH, I just bought […]

Shin Megami Tensei V – 42 hours in, roaming Tokyo till the end of day

I’m quite enjoying Shin Megami Tensei V now, even though I just spent the past 10 hours wandering around Tokyo trying to shut down Ishtar’s devices (doesn’t really spoil anything). The maps are horrendous because you can only climb in very specific spots, so a device might be right there in front of you, but […]

Shin Megami Tensei V – Finally picking up after 12 hours (early story spoilers)

I’ve heard of slow starts, but Shin Megami Tensei V was ridiculous. 10+ hours wandering in a boring wasteland with a bad map before you’re finally given some semblance of a story is just too much. The setting is that you’re an ordinary (you’re never ordinary but let’s not go there) high school student in […]

I give up on Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth

I give up on Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth because I can’t get into it. I’ve been struggling for months, but it’s such a chore. The game itself isn’t that hard, but mentally it’s a chore and a burden. 1. Too much talking. I fast-forwarded like 15 minutes of talking and cutscenes before they […]

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse – Longer than I’d thought (spoilers)

40 hours in. Chapter 4 out of 8 (?). Just finished yet another battle against a certain repeating boss who refuses to stay dead. Eh, I guess I could spoil a little bit. The boss is a giant snake called Shesha, annoying like all repetitive bosses tend to be but luckily not very strong. Actually […]