Legend of Legacy – This is what I wanted from Xenoblade 2

Legend of Legacy is a 3DS RPG where you play as an adventurer exploring an unchartered island. You go to a new area, you explore it, you fill it in the map. You move to the next area, explore it, map it. And on and on until you finish the game. It’s a simple, unremarkable […]

Hatsukare Renai Debut Sengen – Asahina Kakeru GET!

Nnnn… so sleepy… Let’s make this quick. I reloaded from the Kakeru save I made midway through Kariya’s route and used that to get Kakeru’s happy end. As I’d suspected, meeting him for the after-school chat does make things awkward for a while. Especially since Kakeru doesn’t actually confess. He admits he’s had feelings for […]

Hatsukare Renai Debut Sengen – Kariya-sempai GET!

Or to be precise, Kariya-sempai “happy end” GET! According to the game, anyway. Which suggests there’s a not-so-happy end and maybe even a bad end? Aww, I wanted to see those. This route was too happy happy yay yay, it needed more darkness! The good news is, Kariya did officially ask me out, shortly after […]

Hatsukare Renai Debut Sengen – Kariya-sempai’s evil twin brother noticed me!

Waaaaah! Now I can’t get married! Nooo! …Actually it wasn’t that bad. I managed to push him away just in time and then Kariya ran over to help. Yay, my hero! Only problem is I wouldn’t even have been in that mess if it wasn’t for his stupid little brother randomly falling in love with […]

Hatsukare Renai Debut Sengen – It’s not three-timing if he hasn’t asked me out

Hatsukare Renai Debut Sengen was supposed to be a filler game to keep me busy until Fire Emblem Echoes came out next week, but now I can’t stop playing it. I was only going to do one route and then drop it, but at this rate I’ll end up doing at least three, maybe four. […]