Persona 5 Royal – 44 hours in, tons of fun! (mid-game spoilers)

I’d forgotten how much fun it can be to play a JRPG with an actual start and finish. Persona 5 Royal‘s story is still immature, bordering on the ridiculous, but I keep reminding myself that they’re just kids and then it becomes slightly bearable. For example even a toddler knows better than to get into […]

JRPGs that still need localization in 2020

After writing my “10th Anniversary” post, I scrolled through my list of posts and noticed a couple of Japanese games I really enjoyed but that still aren’t available in English (AFAIK). With the advent of Kickstarter and Steam and other similar platforms, I thought for sure that more old games would have been licensed and […]

Dropped Chaos Rings III and continued Tokyo Xanadu eX+

Chaos Rings III is a nice, colorful game with a simple story and pleasant characters. I have high hopes that it will be a great game once I get some better Genes and a higher MP cap. Right now, though, I just don’t feel like dealing with the magic restrictions and the resulting slow battles, […]

Merry Christmas + Early thoughts on Tokyo Xanadu eX+

Merry Christmas everyone! It’s a blessing to be able to make it to another Christmas. I’m not taking anything for granted any more these days. Any year I make it through safe and sound and with all my body parts intact is a good year! I spent today pigging out with family like I always […]

Ace Attorney Investigations 2 – Faster to read spoilers online.

I “finished” Ace Attorney Investigations 2 last night by reading spoilers for the last two cases online. It’s not my fault. I was reading and reading and reading and reading and still the game wasn’t ending. And then this really gross-looking character called Blaise Debeste showed up like, ewwww, you know? Not the kind of […]