Happy New Year 2018! And lots of resolutions!

Happy New Year, everyone! I had a bit of a mixed 2017, but it was pretty good overall. I’m still here, aren’t I? Here’s praying for even better things in 2018! Without much further ado, let’s jump straight to my gaming resolutions for 2018. I already mentioned the guiding principle a few posts ago: “It’s […]

Finished Shin Atelier Rorona – Glad I played it

By “finished” I mean I successfully completed all of the king’s assignments in Shin Atelier Rorona, not that I’ve done everything the game has to offer. After the credits and the ending rolled I was offered an extra year to do some forging and foraging and stuff. I’ll save it for next time I need […]

Nothing much happening in Fire Emblem Echoes and Shin Atelier Rorona

The downside of playing lots of games at the same time is that you don’t make much progress in any of them. Which is okay because a good game shouldn’t be rushed, but it does mean I don’t blog much because I don’t have anything to write about. I said I would try to finish […]