Tokimeki Memorial Girls’ Side 3 – Niina GET!

Get, but do not want. What do I do with him now, throw him away? Anyone want a free Junpei? Anyone? His route was really bland. His CGs were bland. His activities were bland. His Christmas CG…wait, I don’t even remember what CG you get for his Christmas, is there even one? Plus since he’s […]

Harvest Moon Twin Villages: Marriage candidates 1

As I said in an earlier post, I’m assuming Marvelous is going with 4 marriage candidates each for its main characters. Unless they announce any more, it looks like it’ll be 2 girls each from Bluebell and Konohana, and 2 guys each from Bluebell and Konohana. Of course I could be wrong… Anyway, time to […]

Harvest Moon: Twin Villages – First thoughts

I’ve shelved Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 3 for the time being while I decide which guy to go for next. I’m very satisfied after dating Konno-senpai, so to throw myself back in the dating game for an inferior guy is like, hmm… But I get the feeling Shitara’s route will be all kinds of awesome, […]